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Xilinx Vitis 2019.2

Download the required files

  1. Go to the Xilinx Download page.
  2. Select Vitis (SW Developer) from the top menu, and then Vitis Archive from the menu on the left of the page. Xilinx Download Page
  3. Expand the 2019.2 section, and under the Vitis Core Development Kit - 2019.2 heading, select Xilinx Vitis 2019.2: All OS installer Single-File Download. Xilinx Download Page
  4. Log in using your Xilinx credentials. You can create a free account if you do not already have one. Xilinx Login screen
  5. Fill in your name and address for the U.S. Government Export Approval form, and then select Download. You must provide valid information in this form. Xilinx Export License

Install the application

  1. Open a terminal in the same directory as the downloaded tar.gz file, and run the following commands:
    sudo mkdir -p /tools/Xilinx
    sudo chown $USER:$USER /tools/Xilinx
    tar xzf ./Xilinx_Vitis_2019.2_1106_2127.tar.gz
  2. Ignore the warning about an unsupported OS by clicking Ok. Xilinx Unsupported OS
  3. Select Next to start the installation wizard. Xilinx Installer Start
  4. Read and accept the three license agreements, then select Next. Xilinx Accept License
  5. Optionally customize which elements of Vitis will be installed, then select Next. Xilinx Install Customize
  6. Select Next to install in the default location. Xilinx Install Location
  7. Select Install to start the installation. Xilinx Start Install
  8. When the installation is complete click Ok to continue. Xilinx Install Done
  9. After installation completes, the Xilinx License Manager will automatically open. If you are only using Vitis / Vivado via OpenCPI, you can just close the window as OpenCPI handles licenses separately. Otherwise, load an appropriate license, and close the window. Xilinx License Key

Additional steps when using Zynq or Zynq Ultrascale platforms

In order to build the default Xilinx bootable Linux images for Zynq or Zynq Ultrascale platforms, you must download the Xilinx binary release for that platform, and also clone the source code for Xilinx's variants of U-Boot and the Linux Kernel.

Xilinx Binary releases

  1. In the same location as the Xilinx installation, create a directory to store Xilinx binary images.
    mkdir -p /tools/Xilinx/ZynqReleases/2019.2
  2. Go to the Xilinx Wiki and select Linux Prebuilt Images from the menu on the left. Xilinx Binary Release Main Page
  3. Select Linux Release Archives and then on the next page 2019.2 Release.
  4. Scroll down to Downloads and select the platform you wish to be able to build a linux image for. Xilinx Binary Release Select Platform
  5. You will need to login with your Xilinx account and complete the U.S. Government Export Approval form before the download will begin.
  6. Copy the *-release.tar.xy file to the /tools/Xilinx/ZynqReleases/2019.2 directory
  7. Repeat steps 4 to 6 for each Xilinx platform you wish to install.

Xilinx U-boot and Kernel

In the same location as the Xilinx installation, create a directory to store source code for Xilinx's U-Boot and kernel variants:

mkdir -p /tools/Xilinx/git
cd /tools/Xilinx/git
git clone
git clone



Xilinx no longer needs a license key if you only require the free WebPACK license. If OpenCPI can't find a license file, it will use the WebPACK license by default. No further action is needed.

If a paid license is required, OpenCPI uses the environment variable OCPI_XILINX_LICENSE_FILE to set the location of the Xilinx license key or server.

# If you are using a license file:

# Else if you are using a license server
export OCPI_XILINX_LICENSE_FILE=<port>@<server.ip.addr>

To set the OCPI_XILINX_LICENSE_FILE value automatically, add one of the above lines to the <OPENCPI_INSTALL_DIR>/ file.

If the OCPI_XILINX_LICENSE_FILE environment variable is not set, then OpenCPI will look for the license in /tools/Xilinx/Xilinx-License.lic or /opt/Xilinx/Xilinx-License.lic.

Custom Install Directory

If Xilinx Vitis is already installed on your machine in a location other than /tools/Xilinx or /opt/Xilinx, then you can specify an alternative install directory using the OCPI_XILINX_DIR environment variable.

To set the OCPI_XILINX_DIR value automatically, add the above line to the <OPENCPI_INSTALL_DIR>/ file.