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Quick Installation

Step 1 - Install the OpenCPI Framework

Run the following command in a terminal to install the latest stable version of OpenCPI:

git clone --branch v2.4.6 && sed -i 's/\/prerequisites/\/xz/g' opencpi/build/prerequisites/lzma/ && cd opencpi/ && ./scripts/ --minimal && echo "source $PWD/cdk/ -s" >> ~/.profile && echo "export OCPI_AUTO_BUILD_WORKERS=1" >> ~/.profile
After installation, log out and then log in again (or reboot) to ensure that the OpenCPI environment variables are set correctly when a new terminal is opened.

The above command installs the OpenCPI framework as a development host. This means it can be used to develop OpenCPI assets and applications, as well as execute applications consisting only of software-based components.

Step 2 - Install Additional Platforms

In order to build OpenCPI workers for execution on HDL simulators, FPGAs, or alternate processor architectures, additional platforms need to be added to OpenCPI. This is done via the ocpiadmin install platform command.

Platform Prerequisites

Many platforms have proprietary toolchain prerequisites that must be installed before they can be added to OpenCPI. These cannot be installed automatically as they are not open-source software, and typically require purchase, or acceptance of license agreements, in order to download. An example of this is Xilinx Vivado which is needed to build bitstreams for Xilinx FPGAs.

Built-in Platforms

There are several platforms that are built-in to the main OpenCPI framework. These platforms are typically HDL simulators and development boards that show how to use a particular device family.

A list of the most common platforms is shown in the table below. A full list can be found in the OpenCPI Installation Guide.

Name Description RCC Platform HDL Platform Prerequisites
XSIM Xilinx HDL simulation tool N/A xsim Xilinx Vitis 2019.2
Zedboard Xilinx Zynq 7000 SoC development board xilinx19_2_aarch32 zed Xilinx Vitis 2019.2 and Additional steps for Zynq

To install a system, first install any prerequisites, and then run the following commands to install the RCC and HDL platforms (as required).

# Install the HDL platform
ocpiadmin install platform <HDL_PLATFORM> --minimal
# Install the RCC platform
ocpiadmin install platform <RCC_PLATFORM> --minimal

External Platforms


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Step 3 - Install Component Libraries

OpenCPI has a small number of built-in components. The ocpi.comp.sdr project provides a large range of components suitable for use in SDR applications.

The ocpi.comp.sdr project can be installed using the commands below.

# Clone and register the project
git clone --branch v2.4.6
cd ocpi.comp.sdr/
ocpidev register project

# Build RCC workers for all required RCC platforms.
# Amend which --rcc-platform <X> options are specified as appropriate.
ocpidev build --rcc-platform centos7 --rcc-platform xilinx19_2_aarch32

# Build HDL primitives for all required HDL platforms.
# There is no need to build HDL workers as they will be built on demand.
# Amend which --hdl-platform <X> options are specified as appropriate.
ocpidev build hdl primitives --hdl-platform xsim --hdl-platform zed

Advanced Installation


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